Red Clover Extract, 2 oz.`

Trifolium pratense

Traditionally, red clover has been used to address some of the side effects of menopause. The flowering tops contain isoflavones (mostly genistein and daidzein) which some studies suggest have an estrogenic effect, but others deny this. It is considered safe for use by breast cancer patients who are post-menopause but the jury is not in on pre-menopausal persons. It is often used by post-menopausal women to reduce the risk of bone loss (osteoporosis) because the herb is rich in calcium and magnesium as well as vitamin C and niacin. Red clover is a blood purifier and is the main ingredient in Sundance Elixir, our version of the Hoxsey Tonic. It is generally recommended for melanoma patients since studies indicate it inhibits B16 melanoma cells. It is also often used to reduce the risk of prostate cancer.

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